Looking to book a College of Nursing-managed space – like a room in the College of Nursing and Public Health Excellence building or in the Interprofessional Healthcare Simulation Center (IHSC) – for a class, simulation, meeting or special event? Submit a request ticket.
We are here and ready to accommodate you, but we need a little time to process your request. Please make all requests at least 72 business hours before your event.
Submitting a ticket is easy. Fill out the form below to request a room.
複数日、複数の部屋、または複数の時間のイベントをスケジュールしますか? イベントごとにXNUMXつの部屋リクエストチケットを提出するだけで済みます。 Use the comment section below to list all extra reservation details.
私達はします respond to you within 24 business hours チケットが送信された後。