This program is designed to expose Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) and non-traditional students from across the country to our outstanding residency training programs at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico. During the 4-week elective, students will connect and form relationships with current UNM OB/GYN faculty, staff, and residents while obtaining hands-on clinical experience.
学生はまた、アルバカーキ市で時間を過ごし、その強みと機会を発見し、コミュニティと協力してニューメキシコ州内の健康結果の社会的および構造的決定要因に対処するという UNM のユニークな使命について学びます。
Submit Materials: Please send your supplemental application materials via アリソン・アギーレ.